

  • Dinner buffet (online): 140 SEK
  • Dinner buffet (on location): 150 SEK
  • All-inclusive buffet* (online): 550 SEK
  • Dying Dog Dinner event: 250 SEK

Buffet tickets can be purchased when you are registering for the convention. If you wish to add them to your registration after you have initially registered, you need to contact [email protected] and ask that they be added. Tickets to the buffets can also be purchased on location.

* The all-inclusive offer includes buffet tickets to the five regular buffets. It does not include the Dying Dog Dinner event which must be purchased separately.


Tuesday (March 7th)
Menu: Lasagne buffet

Wednesday (March 8th)
Menu: Scandinavian buffet

Thursday (March 9th)
Menu: Italian buffet

Friday (March 10th)
Menu: Taco buffet

Saturday (March 11th)
Menu: BBQ buffet

Sunday (March 12th) - Dying Dog Dinner!