
Address of the Main Hotel/Venue

Scandic Infra City
Kanalvägen 10
Upplands Väsby

Travel instructions from Arlanda

Obviously the best and classiest way is to take the FuzzBus from Arlanda to the hotel. There will be a meeting place for all early arrivals to start meeting up and spend the time till boarding for NFC.

If you cannot make it to the FuzzBus or was too late to get the popular tickets.

The easy way is to get a cab, but that runs you some 370 SEK (40 Euro). Ask for the price for Scandic Infra City and you should get a quote. No need to go for the first cab, you can ask around, but they will more or less give you the same price.

If you feel a little more frugal or wish to try out the public transport of the capital of Scandinavia you can get a ticket for the bus next to the train stop in the middle of sky city. Get a ticket for zone B and C, it costs 54 SEK (see below for ticket advice). Then you get out from the airport and get on bus 583 to Märsta. It goes to the end of the line which is a train station, get on the next train leaving and go for 2 stations to Upplands Väsby. There is a slightly faster alternative that costs you 54 SEK + 120 SEK extra in airport fees by going directly on the train, but if you are frugal you should go for less broke. Both alternatives puts you in Upplands Väsby below.

Travel instructions from Stockholm central station

Get a ticket for zone A and B in the stores called Pressbyrån, any of the SL ticket machines or ask around or at the trains. Then board train 36 (or 40) towards Upplands Väsby. It is near the end of the line so it takes a while. If you plan to spend time in other parts of Stockholm, now or in the future, check below at Ticket advice. There is a slightly faster way to go via Rotebro but unless you time the buses you will on average not arrive faster.

Bus from Upplands Väsby

From Upplands Väsby you board bus 536 towards Bollstanäs or 566 towards Infra City Väst.

Ticket advice — PRO TIP!

If you want as few transfers as possible you avoid one bus by paying 70 SEK extra (total 124 SEK (14 Euro)) to get a zone BC and train ticket. But if you intend to go anywhere else, like downtown or live at a different hotel, you might consider a 24, 72 or 7 day ticket instead. They let you travel all over Stockholm (except Bålsta) down to Handen or Nynäshamn and even the SL boats in the city. But the action will be at the hotel.